HIC*: Emergency Shelter Partitions | Shigeru Ban

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Emergency Shelter Partitions | Shigeru Ban

En la conferencia que dió Shigeru Ban en Barcelona, tras mostrar las obras de su estudio que le han llevado a ser uno de los arquitectos más conocidos del mundo, dedico la última parte a mostrar proyectos de ayuda humanitaria para catástrofes naturales.
Publica en su página web el proyecto "Emergency Shelter Partitions" para las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami de Japón, en el que ofrecen un sistema para resolver los problemas de privacidad en los pavellones en los que tendrán que vivir durante meses hasta que sus viviendas sean reconstruidas.

The evacuees of the great Japan Earthquake and Tsunami are currently taking shelter in evacuation facilities such as gymnasiums. They are forced to live in this situation for a few months, before temporary housings are deployed. They suffer from the lack of privacy and high density, which could cause damage both mentally and physically. We are currently making simple partitions made of paper tubes and canvas curtains to divide each families. This disaster relief endeavor will be financed with donations from around the world.

Our paper partition system is very simple and also flexible. There is no need for any wooden joints or braces. It is fast, easy to assemble and disassemble.It will be delivered directly to each facility in a week after order.

Column : Paper tube (Large)
Beam: Paper tube (Medium)
Joint: Paper tube (Small)
Curtain:White Canvas
Others:  Pins, Clip

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